Senin, 25 November 2013



For all student, in commemoration of the anniversary of the school, we will hold the event, which is bike to school.  in this celebration, we also hold 3 copetitions, types as follow:
  • ·      Math Competition
  • ·      Debate Competition
  • ·      Story Telling Competition

The event will be held at June 1st, 2013 at 14.00 until end. This celebration will be held in the Auditorium, and all of student are expected to attend this celebreation. For debate competition, each class have to send participants with a minimum 1 group (3 people). And for math and story telling competition, each class is free to send the participant.
To register please Contact:
  • 1.     Mr. Bambang (12345678910111)
  • 2.     Mrs. Eka (419063597350)
  • 3.     Kresna XIPA3 (2345679765)

Jumat, 22 November 2013

The Most Precious Wealth

In a country, there was a kingdom that ledded by an old king. But, someday, he was passed away and left a son that would be successor of the throne, names Princes Faisal. Prince inherit his father’s wealth very much. However, he wasn’t mature enough to led his kingdom. He had a hobby to hold huge parties.over time, it was spent his wealth.

Prince Faisal had a spiritual teacher that always gave his father advices when he was alive, and now the spiritual teacher warned Prince Faisal not to spent his time and money on things that wasn’t usefull. He said “Faisal, if you continued you habit to spent you money and time in things that wasn’t usefull, The Gread God would be angry. And if he was angry, you must be carefull”. But, Prince Faisal never cared to the advice.

One day, when he was in his room  he approached an old man mighty. And the old man said “ Faisal…. I am the Great God, and you… have condemned yourself and your people. I’ve been protected you kingdom since a long time ago…but if you continued you habbit it was not possible your kingdom would be decayed”. Prince Faisal panic and said “but….but I don’t want my kingdom decayed… how….?” Asked Prince Faisal. “you have to find out the most prious treasure in the world”. After said that, the Great God disappeared and left Prince Faisal in confused. The next day, he told his Spiritual tearcher about the Great God.

“Ooh… you were lucky, I know where was the palace of the Great God. Let’s go to the palace and asked him what was meant”. Then, they went to the Great God’s Pallace. When they got there, they asked the Great God what was he meant. He answerd “you have to bring the girls without sin to me”. After that The Great God gave them a mirror, but the mirror was foggy and the Great God explained to them if a girl without sin mirrored there, the fog would disappear.

After listen to the expalination, they ventured to get that girl. Time passed, and they didn’t get this girl. One day, they went to Spiritual Teacher’s house and Faisal met his teacher’s daughter, named Sarah. Sarah found the mirror and said “Oh….what a beautiful mirror….whose mirror is this?” and than she looked at the mirror and….the fog was dissappeard! She was a girl without sin! They immediately took her to the palace. When they got there, they told the Great God that sarah was a girl without sin. After that, the Great God hold her hand and they were dissapear. Prince Faisal and his teacher were confused, but they decided to went back to the Prince Faisal’s palace. On the way, Prince Faisal realized that he was fall in love with sarah. But he didn’t told to his teacher.

When they got in to Prince Faisal’s palace, Prince Faisal went to the treasure room and realized there were different things, which is a sculpture that he knew did not exist before. This sculpture was covered by a silk, and he pulled it. Unexpected! Under the silk wasn’t sculpture, but there was Sarah dressed nobility and she was really beautiful. Then the Great God appeared and said “faisal, This is your future wife. before you to lead this kingdom, you must learn that a pure heart is the most precious treasure”

From the story of the story, the message that we can take is that we should not waste the wealth we have, other than that we also must have a clean heart for a pure heart will be more valuable than any treasure.

Jumat, 01 November 2013

Urband Legend (Bloody Mary)

Hi!! :) now I'm going to tell you one of the most popular folktale in the world, that is......BLOODY MARY! Did you know the story about her? let's read this story

The legend claims that the evil woman can be summoned by chanting "Bloody Mary" into a mirror anywhere from three to one-hundred times in a darkened room lit only by a candle. (Thirteen seems to be the most popular number of chants, appropriately so.) The bathroom is the most popular setting to test out the legend, but other dark rooms seem applicable.
After the given amount of chants, the spirit will then appear in a mirror to claw your eyes out. Death will follow. Other variations have her driving you insane or pulling you into the mirror, never to be seen again.
Who Bloody Mary really is remains a mystery. While there are many versions of this story, many accounts point to a woman named Mary Worth, who was horribly disfigured in a car crash. Some are adamant that it's Queen Mary I of England, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. Some people still tell of a witch who was burned at the stake and has returned for revenge, or it may be the devil himself who comes for your soul.
The Bloody Mary Legend saw some rising popularity with a variation of the story in the 1992 movie "Candyman" that used the idea for it's plot. When the characters chanted "Candyman" in the mirror 5 times, he would appear and murder them with his hook hand. I found this movie terrifying! Although I can say that as an adult I generally don't have any nightmares from horror movies, this one I remember vividly -- waking up in a cold sweat, and trying not to fall back asleep.
The movie "Urban Legend" was released to theatres in 1998 and borrowed the Bloody Mary myth once again, for one of it's stories. As if that wasn't enough, 2005 brought us "Urban Legends: Bloody Mary," which was released directly to DVD. There's no doubt, the horrific tale will appear again, perhaps in yet another version with a different twist.
While you may think you're safe from mean, old Bloody Mary, think again... Legend has it that if you are near a mirror in total darkness, she can still come for you, regardless of whether or not you're trying to call for her.
That's all from me now, and see you on the next article! :)