Jumat, 31 Januari 2014


A tsunami (plural: tsunamis or tsunami; from Japanese: 津波, lit. "harbour wave";[1] English pronunciation: /suːˈnɑːmi/ soo-nah-mee or /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ tsoo-nah-mee[2]) is a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, generally an ocean or a large lake. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions (including detonations of underwater nuclear devices), landslides, glacier calvings, meteorite impacts and other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami.[3]
Tsunami waves do not resemble normal sea waves, because their wavelength is far longer. Rather than appearing as a breaking wave, a tsunami may instead initially resemble a rapidly rising tide, and for this reason they are often referred to as tidal waves. Tsunamis generally consist of a series of waves with periods ranging from minutes to hours, arriving in a so-called "wave train".[4] Wave heights of tens of metres can be generated by large events. Although the impact of tsunamis is limited to coastal areas, their destructive power can be enormous and they can affect entire ocean basins; the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was among the deadliest natural disasters in human history with over 230,000 people killed in 14 countries bordering the Indian Ocean.
The Greek historian Thucydides suggested in his late 5th century BC, History of the Peloponnesian War, that tsunamis were related to submarine earthquakes,[5][6] but the understanding of a tsunami's nature remained slim until the 20th century and much remains unknown. Major areas of current research include trying to determine why some large earthquakes do not generate tsunamis while other smaller ones do; trying to accurately forecast the passage of tsunamis across the oceans; and also to forecast how tsunami waves would interact with specific shorelines.

A tsunami is usually caused by a powerful earthquake under the ocean floor. This earthquake pushes a large volume of water to the surface, creating waves. These waves are the tsunami.
In the deep ocean these waves are small. As they approach the coast these waves get bigger and more dangerous. Tsunami waves can cause tremendous damage when they reach land.
A tsunami can also be triggered by a volcanic eruption, landslide, or other movements of the Earth’s surface.

resource : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsunami

Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

My Holiday

When I was on my year-end holliday, my family andi went to Europe. We spent 12 days there. We departured from Indonesia on 25th December at 20.20 using  Singapore airlines, and arrived in Milan on 26th December at 07.50. We were visited 5 countries, they were Italy, Venice, Switzerland, France, Belgium, and Holland.  I really felt the different experience there, mostly because it was winter and I can’t feel winter in Indonesia so it’s really exciting.
The first day in Europe, we arrived in Milan, Italy at 07.50, after took our luggage we went to the bus and went to Milan Catedral. It is the 2nd biggest curch in the world after the curch in Vatican City. There was really crowded because it still in the Christmast Event. And beside the curch, there was a Chirstmast Bazzar that sold so many things like souvenirs, food, sculptures, handycrafts, and much more. Near the curch, there is a Duomo that is a big place that sold many branded things. My mother and I weren’t like to shopping something that when we were traveling, sometimes we bought things like that but not when we were traveling because we thought that wasn’t the right moment to shopping something like that, so we just windowed shopping and buy foods and souvenirs in the bazzar. When we were shopping, it started raining and it was really cold, so we decided to came in to the Duomo and get some Cappucino or hot chocolate in the coffee shop. After that, we went to the hotel, checked in, and took a rest because we still have jetlag.
The next day, we moved to Florence. On the way there, we visited one of 7 wonders of the world, that was Pisa! Pisa tower is placed in Pisa City, Italy. When I went down from the bus, I saw many sovenirs sellers that sold maythings about pinochio, like pen, pencils, keychains, and much more. They also sold anything about Pisa, but the pinochio things were much more than the things about Pisa. So I asked our tour guide, and he told me that actually the pinochio story was start from Pisa City. In Pisa, we of course took a lot of photos and walking around the Pisa Tower, we didn’t came in to the tower because it was very crowded and we thought we haven’t enough time to do that. When we went back to the bus, we bought may souvenirs for our friends and of course for us. Next, we continued our journey to Florence City. There we visited one of michelangelo’s masterpiece, that was David Sculture. This Sculture was really amazing, and fortunately when we reach the place it was night because this sculputure looked more beautiful in the night because of the lightning. We only took photos there because there wasn’t many things to see. But because of this sculpture is placed in a hill, we could saw the Florence city view, and it was really beautiful, mostly in the night. Next, we went to Chinese restaurant to have a dinner and went to the hotel to took a reast. This night, we used Hilton Metropole for stay in Florence.
We had morning call from hotel at 6 o’clock, after that we took a shower and got ready to continued our journey. At 7 o’clock we had breakfast, and at 8 o’clock we stated our trip. This day, we went to Roma City to have a city tour and visited some places. We were arrived on Roma at 11.30, so we went to Italian restaurant first to had a lunch, and after that we went around Roma City to had a city tour with a local guide named Linda. Linda was born in Rome, so she knew everything about Rome very well. We had our city tour for about 3 hours. When we were city touring we also visited The Colloseum, Trevi Fountain, and Spanish Steps. In Colloseum my brother and I had photos with a guy in roman costume, our tour group also took a group photo. We didn’t spent much time in colloseum because we have to go to trevi fountain. A lot of tourists threwed a coins in Travi Fountain, but I didn’t because I thought it wasn’t really usefull and it was really crowded so I choosed to took pictures of Travi Fountain and then went to an ice cream café to bought a gelato, that is Italian typical ice cream. Next, we continued our trip to Vatican City. Exactly, to St. Peter Bassilica. St. Peter Bassilica is the biggest curch in the world and also the center of Chatolic religion. This curch was so beautiful, there also placed one of Michelangelo’s masterpiece that was Pieta sculpure. The ceiling was full of painting. And Michelangelo also painted this ceiling. I just walked around this curch and took photos because I can’t do anything in this curch, I just can saw those beautiful scultures and ceiling. So, after I was bored in the curch I asked my family to went out from the curch first. And then we went out and went to souvenir shop to bught a lot of postcards, because I like postcards a lot so I collect it.
After we went around Roma, the next day we went to Venice. Venice is a “city water” lot of canals built there. The main transportation is a boat called Gondola and there was no car, motorcyle, or the other vehicles that used mechines in Venice. If there was a vehicles, it musn’t used mechines. We went along the canals by Gondola. It such an amazing experients. I took a  lot of beautiful photos there. But, we only had a little time there. I wanna come back again there someday :)

From Italy, we moved to Switzerland. There, we stayed 2 nights in Luzern. The trip from Italy to Switzerland took much time, so when we arrived there it was night but we still have time to visited Lion Monument. We only took photos and then went to the restaurant to have a dinner and then went to hotel to took a reat. The next day was the moxt exciting and memorable day, because we went to Titlis Peak to play the snow!! So we went from hotel at 8 o’clock and arrived at Titlis Peak at 11 o’clock. First, we were given the tickets by our tour guide and then we went to the cable car to went to he peak. When we arrived in the peak, my brother and I were really exciting and then we have a snow war. We threw the snowballs to each other. It was -5 degrees that time, but I didn’t feel it. I think it was because I always moved. It was reaaaallly amazing day. It was the most beautiful day during the tour. I didn’t buy much souvenir there, only postcards because the price was too expensive.
The next day we went to Paris, France. When we arrived there, we went to Seine River to went along the river by boat. Form the boat, the view was really beautiful. But, unfortunately it was raining but I still went to the roof of the boat to got the beautiful photos. The wind was really big, but it’s okay. After that we had a dinner and went to hotel. The next morning, we had a city tour passed the Eiffle Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Place de La Concorde, and Notre Dame Curch. Of course to took photos with eiffle tower, but we didn’t cam eto eiffle tower because it was full of people and many pickpockets there. So our tour guide told us that we have no time and it was dangerous to went there when it was full. Next we went to Lavayette Shopping Center. I don’t like this time, because I don’t shopping. So I just walked around this building. So many people want to visited Paris so much, but I think Paris wasn’t as beautiful as what they think. Even in my opinion Paris is the least memorable city. I don’t know why, but I just feel like that.
From France, we moved to Holland. To reach Holand we must through Belgium first. And fortunately, because we have enough time we could have city tour around Brussel, the Capital City of Belgium. We visited the famous Menneken Pis and Automium. We also bought chocolate from Belgium. After city tour, we continued our trip to Den Haag, Holland. It took for about 3 hours from Brussel. When we arrived in Den Haag, it was afternoon but. Then, we went to Madurodam. Madurodam was a beautiful miniature of Holland, especially Den Haag. Next, we went to restaurant and then to hotel. In the 2nd day, we visited the famous Volendam Village. The most popular place to visited in Volendam was a photo studio that will take our picture with Holland tranditional costume. We have much time here. After we had lunch, we went to the souvenir shop and then went to the photo studio. We only need for about 1 hour to wait our photos printed. We sepnt the time with shopping and took photos again.
At 5th January 2014, we have to went back to Indonesia L I don’t want to went back to Indonesia actually…..if I could, I want moreeee holiday. But time is up, so we have to went back. We went from hotel at 5 o’clock but our plane taked off at 10 o’clock. From Den Haag, we landed in Singapore to transit there and then continued our journey to Indonesia from Singapore. We arrived in Indonesia at 13.20.
That was an amaaaaaazingg holiday!! Of course I won’t forget it. I want to repeat it again and again hahahaha. But I wish 2 years again I will return there to continue to University :)